The ULTIMATE ecommerce business in 2024
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QUESTIONS? We’d love to help. Fill out the form to get in touch now!
QUESTIONS? We’d love to help. Fill out the form to get in touch now!
QUESTIONS? We’d love to help. Fill out the form to get in touch now!
4/1/2020 Sales are down! We have to cut costs! Whoa, stop that train of thought for a sec… Sometimes people believe things that aren’t true, such as believing that bulls (which are colorblind) hate the color red. There are many reasons that smart people believe things that aren’t actually true, such as the confirmation bias, where people will often unknowingly go to great lengths to find evidence to support what they already believe. It’s scary to go through a downturn, and it may mean unpleasant decisions like cutting valued staff or other resources. In the face of declined revenues and increased stress, the idea of not cutting and potentially even increasing costs does not make sense to the vast majority of people, including marketers. But if marketing is driving sales, what do you think will happen when you cut it? Consider this question – do you no longer…
Retargeting Improvement: Increase Retargeting Profitability and Scale with This Simple Tactic 8/09/2019 Retargeting is a prominent tool for most eCommerce brands because it increases website conversion rates. It is especially valuable for brands whose products require consideration (not an impulse purchase on the spot) from potential buyers. We perform many ecommerce retargeting audits and this post shares one of the biggest areas of inefficiency we come across in those audits, which is in how placements (the websites/apps where retargeting ads are displayed) are managed. Inefficient placement management doesn’t just lower ROI, it creates a ceiling on sales potential that simply shouldn’t be there. Below are examples of how to cut frivolous ad spend and increase conversion rates by using placements more deliberately. Get Rid of Junk Inventory for Your Biggest Campaigns with Placement Exclusions When setting up a display campaign in Google Ads, retargeting or otherwise, your ads with be automatically…